To order Bob’s Board™
Please send $29.99 per Spirit Board, plus $9.50 S&H
S&H free for additional boards on same order.
Or check or money or money order to:
Bob’s Board,
2801 Richmond Road #52
Texarkana, TX 75503.
$50,000 REWARD To Solve The Mystery.
We will pay $50,000 to anyone who deciphers the elaborate series of codes, cyphers and arcane images that populate Bob’s Board spirit board. Bob’s great nephew believes that the symbols and codes are clues to where Bob perpetrated his crimes, and if deciphered, may solve the decades long mystery of Bob’s Board. Was Bob a serial killer as he himself alleged, or was he simply insane?
Allied Board Purveyors LLC, recently acquired the rights to distribute the legendary Bob’s Board spirit board. In an effort to better understand the board and it’s potential impact upon society, they are offering this reward. No purchase necessary. Must be over 18 years old to collect reward.